UnB - Instituto de Geociências - Produção Científica

Gamaespectrometria aérea como discriminante geológico: Arco Magmático e Maciço de Goiás. 


International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 6th, Rio de Janeiro, 1999, SBGf. Anais. ref. SBGf365, 4 p.


The geological complexity of the central region of Brazil is a frequent subject in the Brazilian geoscientific discussions. This complexity can be verified by the amount of published papers. The large amount of information is an indication of the lack of standardization of the various geological interpretation products: the geological maps. This turns in a weary battle any attempt to assemble these products. This battle befalls due to the statement that the field is the geologist's “dorsal backbone”. The activity that anticipates field a campaign is as important as the survey itself, for it there that is defined all the procedures that will be used, including an idea of the local regional geology. The activity that follows the field work is also important. This is where a new interpretation is done in light of the new information. Here, resides the importance of a tool that should always be used before and after any geological work: the geophysics. The outcome of an interpretation can help to answer most of the questions than, sometimes a simple rock outcrop can. This article is a case study and the selected area is the Massive and the Magmatic Arch in the central region of the Goiás State using gammaspectrometric data. The results show that it is a much more complex geology than mapping can shown.