Resumo da Tese: |
A pesquisa
efetuada na região de Januária teve por objetivo definir as relações
existentes entre as mineralizações de Zn/Ag que ocorrem encaixados em
dolomitos brechados da Formação Sete Lagoas (Grupo Bambuí), na região de
Januária, MG. A definição de como e quando se formaram os dolomitos é
fundamental para se entender a evolução das rochas carbonátieas, as relações
existentes entre a sedimentação carbonática, os processos diagenéticas e sua
relação com os depósitos minerais. A identificação de discontinuidades da
bacia e suas relações com as mineralizações também foram investigadas. A
Formação Sete Lagoas foi informalmente dividida em 7 membros agrupados em 3
principais ciclos de sedimentação, denominados basal, intermediário e
superior. O ciclo basal é constituído pelos membros calcilutitos argilosos
(basal) e calciruditos (1 e 2), interpretados como representando um
intervalo regressivo, com os sedimentos depositados numa plataforma
carbonática de baixa energia, cortada por canais de maré e esporadicamente
afetada por tempestades. A sucessão intermediária é composta pelos membros
calcarenito dolomítico (3), dolomito (4), stromatolito dolomítico (5) e
dolomito oolítico, intraclástíco (6) e da unidade inferior (7A) do membro 7,
dololutito. A interpretação geral desse ciclo é que ele representaria uma
sucessão regressiva após uma transgressão ocorrida quando da deposição do
membro 3, em ofáhore, passando por depósitos de shoreface com barreira
recifal, estromatolitica, ambiente lagunar, praias e planícies de marés. O
ciclo intermediário termina com exposição subaérea da plataforma
carbonática. Não foram encontradas evidências que confirmassem a possível
discontinuidade, resultante de exposição subaérea, que teria atuado sobre
sedimentos do membro 6. A sucessão superior é composta por pequenos ciclos
regressivos de planícies de marés representando uma sucessão progradante em
ambientes de baixa energia. As três sucessões são consideradas como compondo
um conjunto regressivo de parassequencias. Sedimentos peliticos da Formação
Serra de Santa Helena encerraram a sedimentação carbonática da Formação Sete
Lagoas. Com relação a modificações diagenéticas, os carbonatos apresentam
feições de alterações diagenéticas em ambientes subaéreos (tepees, gretas de
ressecação, cimentação vadosa e pequenas cavidades relacionadas a dissolução
meteórica), submarino, incluindo aí ambientes de intermaré (cimento isópaco
acicular ao redor de aloquímicos interpretado como representando cimentação
tipo beachrock) e em subsuperfície. Feições diagenéticas de subsuperfície
são predominantes e incluem, entre outras, compactação, cimentação por
calcita espática, dissolução hidrotermal, dolomitização, sulfetos e silicato
de Zn, calcita espática de cristalinidade grossa (LCC), fluorita e betumem.
Os dolomitos que hospedam os depósitos minerais são compostos por dolomitos
de substituição (precoce e tardia) e cimenos dolomíticos, os quais foram
intensamente afetados por dissolução/collapso, gerando brechas. Vários tipos
de dolomitos foram identificados, mas apenas os mais importantes serão aqui
abordados. Em ondem paragenética, os mais unportantes são os dolomitos
microcristalinos de substituição precoce (McCD), os dolomitos de
cristalinidade média (MCD) e os de cristalinidade grossa (CCD), que são de
substituição tardia. Dolomita de cristalinidade muito grossa (VcCD), saddle
dolomita (SD) e dolomita de cristalinidade muito fina (VfCD) são cimenos
dolomíticos. MCCD afeta sedimentos do membro 7 e 5; MCD e CCD são abundantes
e afetam litologias dos membros 4 e 6. VcCD e SD ocorrem intimamente
associadas e embora predominem no membro 6, são comuns no membro 7, cortando
a suposta superfície de exposição subaérea que teria ocorrido sobre o membro
6. SD ocorre na forma romboédrica, mais comum e precoce em relação à forma
simétrica, que é de cor branca leitosa. VfCD é restrita a zonas de brechas
de dissolução/ colapso e é tardia em relação às outras dolomitas, exceto
possivelmente a SD branca. Os diversos tipos de dolomitos e os calcários
basais foram analisados para isótopos estáveis e também para Sr. Os
resultados das análises de CIO tem como referencia o PDB. Amostras
selecionadas de calcários que apresentam o mínimo de alteração diagenética,
e não contem argilominerais foram analisadas para CIO e 87 Sr /86 Sr e os
resultados obtidos a partir dessas arrostas são considerados como
representando a provável composição isotópica da água do mar quando da
deposição dos sedimentos da Formação Sete Lagoas; esses resultados serão
utilizados como referência para avaliar as variações isotópicas nas outras
fases diagenéticas analisadas. Os resultados isotópicos de Sr permitem ainda
avaliar a idade de deposição da Formação Sete Lagoas, estimada como tendo
ocorrido em tomo de 590 a 600Ma.
This study is designed to investigate the relationship between Zn/Ag mineral
deposits emplacement and the host rock, dolostones of the Sete Lagoas
Formation, (Bambuí Group) in the Januária region, MG. The definition of the
timing and possible origin of the massíve dolomitization and
dissolution/collapse brecciation is of primary importance to understand the
evolution of carbonate rocks and define the relationslup between carbonate
sedimentation, diagenetic processes and the emplacement of mineral deposits.
The recognition of unconformities and their relationship with regional,
large-scale brecciation is also envisaged. In order to afain these
objectives, a regional and detailled mapping was done. In this research, the
Sete Lagoas Formation is informally divided into seven members, grouped into
three main shallowingupwards successions, named basal intermediate and
upper. The basal succession consists of the argillaceous lime mudstone
member 1(basal), and calcirudite member 2, and are interpreted as recording
a prograding interval deposited on a lowenergy platform or shallow shelf
cutted by tidal channels and sporadically affected by storms. The
intermediate succession comprises the dolomitec calcarenite member 3,
dolostone member 4, stromatolite dolostone member 5, ooid-intraclast
dolostone member 6, and the lowermost unit (7A) of the dolomudstone member
7. Its overall interpretation is that it represents a shallowing-upwards
succession from muddy to sandier sediments deposited in offshore through a
sandier shoreface with stromatohte reefal barner, lagoonal and beach to
tidal flat environments; subaerial exposure of the carbonate platform ended
the intermediate shallowing-upwards succession. An unconformity assumed by
some authors as developed above the ooid-mtraclast dolostone member 6 (the
pink dolostone) is not recogruzed in this research The uppermost succession,
made up of small peritidal cycles, is interpreted as representing a series
of prograding tidal flat successions that record low energy environments.
The three mam succession are interpreted as a parasequence set of a
progradational stacking pattera The increase in pelitic sediments upwards in
the overlying Serra de Santa Helena shut down the carbonate platform.
Regarding diagenesis, the carbonate rocks of the Sete Lagoas Formation has
undergone diagenetic alteration in subaerial, submarne and subsurface
environments. Diagenetic features of subaenal diagenesis iriclude
desiccation cracks, tepees, vadose cements and small-scale dissolution vugs;
submarine envirorunent is represented by isopachous fibrous cernem around
allochems suggesting beachrock cementation. Subsurface diagenesis resulted
in the most important modifications in the carbonate rocks and mcludes,
among others, compaction, blocky sparry calcite, hydrothermal dlssolut'On,
do1omitization, sulfide and silicate ore minerals, late-stage
coarse-crystalline calcite, fluorite and bitumen. The dolostones hosting
mineral deposits are made up of replacement dolomites and cements and are
strongly af'-ted bY dissolution/collapse brecciation. The main dolomite
types recognized in the Januária region related to mineral deposits, are in
paragenetic sequence: microcrystalline (McCD), medium-crystalline (MCD),
coarse-crystalline (CCD), very-coasecrystalline (VcCD), saddle (SD) and very
finelly crystalline. McCD represent early, penecontemporaneous replacement
dolomites and MCD/CCD, late replacement dolomites. Very coarse-crystallme
dolomite (VcCD), saddle dolomite (SD) and very fmely crystalline dolomite
(VfCD) are dolomite cements. MccD occurs mostly in sediments of the
dolomudstone member 7 and stromatolites/fure sediments of the member 5.
MCD/CCD are widespread and affect mostly the dolostone and ooid-intraclast
dolostone member (4 and 6). VcCD and SD are closely associated with each
other and occur in cavities and fractures in MCD/CCD, crosscut the limits
between the members 6 and 7 what indicate they are formed later Um the
presumed unconformity developed above member 6, as already mentioned. SD
occurs in rhombohedral (pink or pale gray saddle dolomite) and saddle fornis
(Mãe saddle dolomite); white SD is later than rhomboliedrai ones. VfCD is
restricted to dissolution/collapse breccia layer and affects the ali above
described dolomites, except possibly the white SD. The dolomites and
late-stage coarse-crystalline calcite (LCC) were analysed for CIO isotopes,
as well as to Sr isotopes. Samples of the basal limestones were analysed in
order to have bench markers representing the estimated isotopic signature of
the Neoproterozoic seawater of the Sete Lagoas Fonnation and these values
will be used as a reference to determine post-depositional diagenetic
changes. The Sr isotopic composition suggests sedimentation of the Bambuí
Group staried at around 590 to 600Ma. The obtained 8'80 values (PDB)
inferred to represent the composition of seawater or slighly modified
seawater during deposition of the Sete Lagoas Formation.range from -6.11 to
-6.56%o (mean = -6.39) and 8'3C range from 0.26 to 0.58%o (mean = 0,42%o).
The "SrP'Sr ratio of seawater during deposition of the Sete Lagoas Formation
is estimated to be between 0.7076 and 0.7079 based on micritic limestones at
the base of the section. McCD: 8'80 values is within lhe range of values for
dolomites that would precipitated from Sete Lagoas Formation seawater, or
slighly modified seawater. The 8'SrP'Sr ratios range are slighly higher fim
the estimated original isotopic signature of the Neoproterozoic Sete Lagoas
Fonnation seawater, suggesting that their original isotopic signature were
pardy modified by later diagenetic fluids. MCD/CCD: 8'80 values are shghly
depleted compared to the Neoproterozoic seawater. The "Sr/B6Sr ratios are
more radiogemc tlian the estimated seawater of the Sete Lagoas Formation.
The present data do not provide an unegwvocal conclusion conceniing the
origin of MCD/CCD; these dolomites could result from previous dolomites late
affected by . neomorphism and diagenetic fluids Sr-nch or formed imder
burial conditions by Sr-rich fli ids. MCD/CCD postdate stylolites suggesting
that dolomitizahon occured during bunal.,VcCD/SD show similar 8'80 values,
the most depleted ones. "SrP" Sr ration are similar to MCD/CCD, thus more
radiogenic than the estimated seawater. Fiuid inclusion measurements in SD
suggest entrapment temperature above 231°C. Thus VcCD/SD are interpreted as
being formed in subsurface during burial by warm diagenetic fluids of
similar chemical composition. VfCD cements ali kind of breccia fragments but
also act as internal sediment displaying lamination and/or normal grading.
Locally is closely related to mineralization. The 8180 values is within the
range of Sete Lagoas Formation seawater, hovever the "SrP'Sr values are not
compatible with the estimated Neoproterozoic seawater. There is no
diagenetic feature or field relationship couid suggest formation of VfCD
directly from seawater. Thus, ViCD is interpreted as resulting from chemical
or chemically induced meclianical disaggregation by warm brines. VfCD is
similar to the named "sanded dolomites" deposited in internai cavities and
related to hydrothermal activity. Ali described dolomites occur in the
brecciated dolostone levei making a stratigraphic levei in the Januária
region, as well as in the middle São Francisco valley, and resulting from
dissolution/collapse brecciation. This study indicate that dissolution
occured mostly in subsurface; dissolution related to subaerial exposure are
minor and differ from subsurfaoe in at least three main aspects: dissolution
vugs related to meteoric waters are small, areally restricted and the
infilling material are only fine dolomitized sediment. Dissolution features
considered as resulting from subsurface warm fluids, are widespmad, tile
filling material inciudes VICD, SD, VfCD, sulfide, LCC, fluorite and
bitumen, and dissolution/brceciation crosscut the hypothetical unconformity
of previous suthors developed above the member 6. Thus, most of the
dissolution and breccias resulted from action of hydrothermal flmds dwing
burial, and ore-bearing dissolutin/collapse breccias are interpreted to be
the result from selective sulfide replacement of pre-ore collapse breccia.
Mmeralization is thus epigenetic, resulting from the action of subsurface
warm fluids, interpreted as hydrothermal. The tìming of minerahzation is one
of the unsolved problems. As dolomitization and the emplacement of ore
nimerals took place during burial of the sediments, considering the
compressional model, the Januária mineral deposit could be related to the
evolution of the Brasiliano Cycle and thus restricted to the Neoproterozoic.
However, if emplacement of mineral deposits is related to extensional
tectonics, the timing of mineralization need not be restricted to the
Neoproterozoic and could be Phanerozoic in age. The main metallogenic
control is tectonics, that provide the driving forces responsible for fluid
flow over large arcas. Faults and fractures are the main conduits for the
ascending flow in a basin. Withm the basin, fluid flow is controlled also by
Porosity and permeability of sedimentary units. Thus, the interaction of
fauts with permeable sedimentary units and urxonforrnitiia of the basin
define the regional pattem of related dolomitization and
dissolution/collapse breccia development. This same association, depending
on the availability of lhe sulphur, also controls ore emplacement. Thus, the
first ".lm confiol in the study arca related to the carbonate sediments is
the distribution of strata with contrasting Permeabilities. The porcus units
are lithofacies of the dolostone and ooid-intraclast dolostone members (4
and 6), fmited by'P us, impermeable ones (aquitards); the lowermost unit to
act as aquitards was the basal fine carbonate of the do~ calcarenite member
3 and the uppermost unit was lithologies of the dolomudstone member 7. These
aquitards controlled dolomitization, dissolution/collapse brecciation and
ore mineral deposits. During burial, the permeable units acted as ~ts for
wann, hydrothemial dolomitizing and mineralizing fluids.. |